News & Announcements

Papamanthou Receives NSF CAREER Award to Improve Security in Cloud Computing

Mar 28, 2017 - Papamanthou Receives NSF CAREER Award to Improve Security in Cloud Computing

Zwicker Joins UMIACS as the Reginald Allan Hahne Endowed E-Nnovate Professor in Computer Science

Mar 15, 2017 - Zwicker Joins UMIACS as the Reginald Allan Hahne Endowed E-Nnovate Professor in Computer Science

Mazurek, Hicks Receive Google Faculty Research Award

Feb 28, 2017 - Mazurek, Hicks Receive Google Faculty Research Award

Goldstein, Froehlich Awarded Sloan Research Fellowships

Feb 21, 2017 - Goldstein, Froehlich Awarded Sloan Research Fellowships

QuICS Hartree Fellow Is Seeking the Limits of Quantum Compression

Feb 20, 2017 - In the late 1940s, the mathematician and engineer Claude Shannon helped found the field of information theory. In doing so, he endowed information—an abstract quantity measured in bits—with an almost physical quality, akin to energy.

Froehlich Receives NSF CAREER Award to Develop Wearable Technology for Kids

Feb 14, 2017 - Froehlich Receives NSF CAREER Award to Develop Wearable Technology for Kids

Srinivasan Named EATCS Fellow

Feb 06, 2017 - Srinivasan Named EATCS Fellow

Mazurek and Graduate Student Create Video to Educate Users on Cybersecurity Best Practices

Feb 06, 2017 - Mazurek and Graduate Student Create Video to Educate Users on Cybersecurity Best Practices

Essay by Subrahmanian in Science Magazine Examines Machine Learning for Predicting Human Behavior

Feb 02, 2017 - An essay by V.S. Subrahmanian published in Science magazine on Feb. 3 examines the use of machine learning to better predict human behavior.

Graduate Student Advised by Mazurek Receives Facebook Fellowship

Jan 30, 2017 - Graduate Student Advised by Mazurek Receives Facebook Fellowship
