Multi-cue exemplar-based nonparametric model for gesture recognition

TitleMulti-cue exemplar-based nonparametric model for gesture recognition
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsShet VD, Prasad VSN, Elgammal A, Yacoob Y, Davis LS
JournalIndian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
Pagination16 - 18
Date Published2004///

This paper presents an approach for a multi-cue, view-based recognition of gestures. We describe an exemplar-
based technique that combines two different forms of exem-
plars - shape exemplars and motion exemplars - in a uni-
fied probabilistic framework. Each gesture is represented
as a sequence of learned body poses as well as a sequence
of learned motion parameters. The shape exemplars are
comprised of pose contours, and the motion exemplars are
represented as affine motion parameters extracted using a
robust estimation approach. The probabilistic framework
learns by employing a nonparametric estimation technique
to model the exemplar distributions. It imposes temporal
constraints between different exemplars through a learned
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for each gesture. We use
the proposed multi-cue approach to recognize a set of four-
teen gestures and contrast it against a shape only, single-
cue based system.