Semantic Annotation for Interlingual Representation of Multilingual Texts

TitleSemantic Annotation for Interlingual Representation of Multilingual Texts
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsMitamura T, Miller K, Dorr BJ, Farwell D, Habash N, Helmreich S, Hovy E, Levin L, Rambow O, Reeder F, others
JournalWorkshop Programme
Pagination19 - 19
Date Published2004///

This paper describes the annotation process being used in a multi-site project to create six sizable bilingual parallel corpora annotated with a consistent interlingua representation. After presenting the background and objectives of the effort, we describe the multilingual corpora and the three stages of interlingual representation being developed. We then focus on the annotation process itself, including an interface environment that supports the annotation task, and the methodology for evaluating the interlingua representation. Finally, we discuss some issues encountered during the annotation tasks. The resulting annotated multilingual corpora will be useful for a wide range of natural language processing research tasks, including machine translation, question answering, text summarization, and information extraction.