Information-aware HyperOctree for effective isosurface rendering of large scale time-varying data

TitleInformation-aware HyperOctree for effective isosurface rendering of large scale time-varying data
Publication TypeReports
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsKim J, JaJa JF
Date Published2006///
InstitutionInstititue for Advanced Computer Studies, Univ of Maryland, College Park

We develop a new indexing structure and a new out-of-core scheme to extract and render isosurfaces forlarge scale time-varying 3-D volume data. The new algorithm enables the fast visualization of arbitrary isosurfaces
cut by a user-specified hyperplane along any of the four dimensions. Our data structure makes use of the entropy
measure to establish the relative resolutions of the spatial and temporal dimensions rather than treating the temporal
dimension just as any other dimension. The preprocessing is very efficient and the resulting indexing structure is
very compact. We have tested our scheme on 40GB subset of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability data set and
obtained very good performance for a wide range of isosurface extraction queries.