Effect of chemical reactions on the decay of isotropic homogeneous turbulence

TitleEffect of chemical reactions on the decay of isotropic homogeneous turbulence
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsAguirre M, Candler GV, Martin, M.P
Conference NameAIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
Date Published1996///
Conference LocationNew Orleans, LA

Direct numerical simulations, (DNS), are usedto simulate the decay of an isotopic, turbulent,
chemically-reacting flow at high temperatures. The
independent parameters that govern the physical pro-
cess are introduced. The different effects from each
of the parameters in the flow are explained by using
the results from the DNS. It is found that there is a
feedback mechanism between the chemical reactions
and the turbulent motion. This feedback is positive
for exothermic reactions and negative for endother-
mic reactions.