GrouPeer: Dynamic clustering of P2P databases

TitleGrouPeer: Dynamic clustering of P2P databases
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsKantere V, Tsoumakos D, Sellis T, Roussopoulos N
JournalInformation Systems
Pagination62 - 86
Date Published2009/03//
ISBN Number0306-4379
KeywordsPeer-to-Peer databases, Query reformulation in P2P databases, Semantics in P2P query answering, Structured data in unstructured P2P overlays

Sharing structured data in a P2P network is a challenging problem, especially in the absence of a mediated schema. The standard practice of answering a consecutively rewritten query along the propagation path often results in significant loss of information. On the opposite, the use of mediated schemas requires human interaction and global agreement, both during creation and maintenance. In this paper we present GrouPeer, an adaptive, automated approach to both issues in the context of unstructured P2P database overlays. By allowing peers to individually choose which rewritten version of a query to answer and evaluate the received answers, information-rich sources left hidden otherwise are discovered. Gradually, the overlay is restructured as semantically similar peers are clustered together. Experimental results show that our technique produces very accurate answers and builds clusters that are very close to the optimal ones by contacting a very small number of nodes in the overlay.