A sorting approach to indexing spatial data

TitleA sorting approach to indexing spatial data
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsSamet H
Conference NameACM SIGGRAPH 2008 classes
Date Published2008///
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA

Spatial data is distinguished from conventional data by having extent. Therefore, spatial queries involve both the objects and the space that they occupy. The handling of queries that involve spatial data is facilitated by building an index on the data. The traditional role of the index is to sort the data, which means that it orders the data. However, since generally no ordering exists in dimensions greater than 1 without a transformation of the data to one dimension, the role of the sort process is one of differentiating between the data and what is usually done is to sort the spatial objects with respect to the space that they occupy. The resulting ordering is usually implicit rather than explicit so that the data need not be resorted (i.e., the index need not be rebuilt) when the queries change (e.g., the query reference objects). The index is said to order the space and the characteristics of such indexes are explored further.
