Extending the SAND Spatial Database System for the Visualization of Three-Dimensional Scientific Data

TitleExtending the SAND Spatial Database System for the Visualization of Three-Dimensional Scientific Data
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSamet H, Webber RE
JournalGeographical Analysis
Pagination87 - 101
Date Published2006///

The three-dimensional extension of the SAND (Spatial and Nonspatial Data) spatial database system is described as is its use for data found in scientific visualization applications. The focus is on surface data. Some of the principal operations supported by SAND involve locating spatial objects in the order of their distance from other spatial objects in an incremental manner so that the number of objects that are needed is not known a priori. These techniques are shown to be useful in enabling users to visualize the results of certain proximity queries without having to execute algorithms to completion as is the case when performing a nearest-neighbor query where a Voronoi diagram (i.e., Thiessen polygon) would be computed as a preprocessing step before any attempt to respond to the query could be made. This is achieved by making use of operations such as the spatial join and the distance semijoin. Examples of the utility of such operations is demonstrated in the context of posing meteorological queries to a spatial database with a visualization component.