Dynamic queries for visual information seeking

TitleDynamic queries for visual information seeking
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsShneiderman B
JournalIEEE Software
Pagination70 - 77
Date Published1994/11//
ISBN Number0740-7459
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, animated results, animation, Application software, Command languages, complex queries, database management systems, Databases, display algorithms, Displays, dynamic queries, Educational institutions, Games, Graphical user interfaces, human factors, Query processing, retrieval, Runtime, Technological innovation, user-interface design, visual databases, visual information seeking, visual interfaces, widgets

Considers how dynamic queries allow users to "fly through" databases by adjusting widgets and viewing the animated results. In studies, users reacted to this approach with an enthusiasm more commonly associated with video games. Adoption requires research into retrieval and display algorithms and user-interface design. The author discusses how experts may benefit from visual interfaces because they will be able to formulate more complex queries and interpret intricate results.<>
