Experimental investigations of the utility of detailed flowcharts in programming

TitleExperimental investigations of the utility of detailed flowcharts in programming
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsShneiderman B, Mayer R, McKay D, Heller P
JournalCommunications of the ACM
Pagination373 - 381
Date Published1977/06//
ISBN Number0001-0782
KeywordsDebugging, experimental testing, flowcharts, human factors, modification, program composition, program comprehension

This paper describes previous research on flowcharts and a series of controlled experiments to test the utility of detailed flowcharts as an aid to program composition, comprehension, debugging, and modification. No statistically significant difference between flowchart and nonflowchart groups has been shown, thereby calling into question the utility of detailed flowcharting. A program of further research is suggested.
