Receiver based management of low bandwidth access links

TitleReceiver based management of low bandwidth access links
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsSpring N, Chesire M, Berryman M, Sahasranaman V, Anderson T, Bershad B
Conference NameIEEE INFOCOM 2000. Nineteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings
Date Published2000///
ISBN Number0-7803-5880-5
KeywordsBandwidth, buffer storage, bulk-transfer applications, complex Web page, congestion control policy, Delay, dynamically loadable Linux kernel module, information resources, interactive network, Internet, Kernel, link utilization, Linux, low-bandwidth access links, mixed traffic load, packet latency, queue length, queueing theory, receive socket buffer sizes, receiver-based management, response time, short flow prioritizing, Size control, Sockets, subscriber loops, TCP flow control, telecommunication congestion control, telecommunication network management, Telecommunication traffic, Testing, Throughput, Transport protocols, Unix, Web pages

In this paper, we describe a receiver-based congestion control policy that leverages TCP flow control mechanisms to prioritize mixed traffic loads across access links. We manage queueing at the access link to: (1) improve the response time of interactive network applications; (2) reduce congestion-related packet losses; while (3) maintaining high throughput for bulk-transfer applications. Our policy controls queue length by manipulating receive socket buffer sizes. We have implemented this solution in a dynamically loadable Linux kernel module, and tested it over low-bandwidth links. Our approach yields a 7-fold improvement in packet latency over an unmodified system while maintaining 94% link utilization. In the common case, congestion-related packet losses at the access link can be eliminated. Finally, by prioritizing short flows, we show that our system reduces the time to download a complex Web page during a large background transfer by a factor of two
