Energy loss in MEMS resonators and the impact on inertial and RF devices

TitleEnergy loss in MEMS resonators and the impact on inertial and RF devices
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsWeinberg M, Candler R, Chandorkar S, Varsanik J, Kenny T, Duwel A
Date Published2009/06//
Keywordsenergy loss, gyroscopes, inertial devices, MEMS gyros, MEMS resonators, micromachined devices, micromechanical resonators, NEMS devices, Q-factor, quality factor, radiofrequency applications, RF devices

In this paper, we review the current understanding of energy loss mechanisms in micromachined (MEMS and NEMS) devices. We describe the importance of high quality factor (Q) to the performance of MEMS gyros and MEMS resonators used in radio-frequency applications.
