The Argus eye: a new imaging system designed to facilitate robotic tasks of motion

TitleThe Argus eye: a new imaging system designed to facilitate robotic tasks of motion
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsBaker P, Ogale AS, Fermüller C
JournalIEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine
Pagination31 - 38
Date Published2004/12//
ISBN Number1070-9932
KeywordsArgus eye, Calibration, CAMERAS, computational geometry, Design automation, Eyes, image formation, imaging system, Information geometry, Layout, Motion estimation, multiple stereo configurations, panoramic robots, robot vision, Robot vision systems, robotic motion tasks, Robotics and automation, SHAPE, shape model estimation, system calibration

This article describes an imaging system that has been designed to facilitate robotic tasks of motion. The system consists of a number of cameras in a network, arranged so that they sample different parts of the visual sphere. This geometric configuration has provable advantages compared to small field of view cameras for the estimation of the system's own motion and, consequently, the estimation of shape models from the individual cameras. The reason is, inherent ambiguities of confusion between translation and rotation disappear. Pairs of cameras may also be arranged in multiple stereo configurations, which provide additional advantages for segmentation. Algorithms for the calibration of the system and the three-dimensional (3-D) motion estimation are provided.
