A boundary element method for electromagnetic scattering by multiple cylinders

TitleA boundary element method for electromagnetic scattering by multiple cylinders
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsSeydou F, Duraiswami R, Seppanen T
Conference NameAntennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2003. IEEE
Date Published2003/06//
Keywordsalgorithm;, boundary, boundary-elements, cylinders;, electromagnetic, element, equations;, Fredholm, integral, method;, methods;, multiple, Nystrom, scattering;, two-dimensional, type, wave

An integral equation approach is derived for an electromagnetic scattering from M multiple cylinders. The problem is two-dimensional and the integral equation is solved using the Nystrom method. We give numerical examples that illustrate the algorithm.
