The CPR model for summarizing video

TitleThe CPR model for summarizing video
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsFayzullin M, V.S. Subrahmanian, Picariello A, Sapino ML
JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
Pagination153 - 173
Date Published2005///

Most past work on video summarization has been based on selecting key frames from videos. We propose a model of video summarization based on three important parameters: Priority (of frames), Continuity (of the summary), and non-Repetition (of the summary). In short, a summary must include high priority frames and must be continuous and non-repetitive. An optimal summary is one that maximizes an objective function based on these three parameters. We show examples of how CPR parameters can be computed and provide algorithms to find optimal summaries based on the CPR approach. Finally, we briefly report on the performance of these algorithms.
