A dimension-independent library for building and manipulating multiresolution triangulations

TitleA dimension-independent library for building and manipulating multiresolution triangulations
Publication TypeReports
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsDe Floriani L, Magillo P, Puppo E
Date Published2009///
InstitutionDepartment of Computer Science and Information Science, University of Genoa

A Multi-Triangulation (MT) is a general multiresolution model for representing k-dimensional geometricobjects through simplicial complexes. An MT integrates several alternative representations of an object, and
provides simple methods for handling representations at variable resolution efficiently , thus offering a basis
for the development of applications that need to manage the level-of-detail of complex objects. In this paper,
we present an object-oriented library that provides an open-ended tool for building and manipulating object
representations based on the MT.