Geometric algorithms for automated design of rotary-platen multi-shot molds

TitleGeometric algorithms for automated design of rotary-platen multi-shot molds
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsLi X, Gupta SK
JournalComputer-Aided Design
Pagination1171 - 1187
Date Published2004/10//
ISBN Number0010-4485
Keywordsgeometric reasoning, mold design, Multi-shot molds

This paper describes algorithms for automated design of rotary-platen type of multi-shot molds for manufacturing multi-material objects. The approach behind our algorithms works in the following manner. First, we classify the given multi-material object into several basic types based on the relationships among different components in the object. For every basic type, we find a molding sequence based on the precedence constraints resulting due to accessibility and disassembly requirements. Then, starting from the last mold stage, we generate the mold pieces for every mold stage. We expect that algorithms described in this paper will provide the necessary foundations for automating the design of rotary-platen molds.
