Half-edge Multi-Tessellation: a compact representations for multiresolution tetrahedral meshes

TitleHalf-edge Multi-Tessellation: a compact representations for multiresolution tetrahedral meshes
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsDanovaro E, De Floriani L
Conference NameProceedings 1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission
Date Published2002///

This paper deals with the problem of analyzing and vi-sualizing volume data sets of large size. To this aim, we
define a three-dimensional multi-resolution model based on
unstructured tetrahedral meshes, and built through a half-
edge-collapse simplification strategy, that we call a Half-
Edge Multi-Tessellation (MT). We propose a new compact
data structure for a half-edge MT, and we analyze it with
respect to both its space requirements and its efficiency in
supporting Level-Of-Detail (LOD) queries based on selec-
tive refinement.