How to encrypt with a malicious random number generator

TitleHow to encrypt with a malicious random number generator
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKamara S, Katz J
JournalFast Software Encryption
Pagination303 - 315
Date Published2008///

Chosen-plaintext attacks on private-key encryption schemes are currently modeled by giving an adversary access to an oracle that encrypts a given message m using random coins that are generated uniformly at random and independently of anything else. This leaves open the possibility of attacks in case the random coins are poorly generated (e.g., using a faulty random number generator), or are under partial adversarial control (e.g., when encryption is done by lightweight devices that may be captured and tampered with).We introduce new notions of security modeling such attacks, propose two concrete schemes meeting our definitions, and show generic transformations for achieving security in this context.
