Improved approximations for edge-disjoint paths, unsplittable flow, and related routing problems

TitleImproved approximations for edge-disjoint paths, unsplittable flow, and related routing problems
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsSrinivasan A
Conference Name, 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1997. Proceedings
Date Published1997/10/20/22
ISBN Number0-8186-8197-7
KeywordsApproximation algorithms, Bandwidth, Channel allocation, computational complexity, Computer science, edge-disjoint paths, graph theory, High speed integrated circuits, IEL, Image motion analysis, Information systems, multi-commodity flow relaxation, Multiprocessor interconnection networks, network routing, Optical fiber networks, Routing, routing problems, unsplittable flow

We present improved approximation algorithms for a family of problems involving edge-disjoint paths and unsplittable flow, and for some related routing problems. The central theme of all our algorithms is the underlying multi-commodity flow relaxation
