The influence of shape on image correspondence

TitleThe influence of shape on image correspondence
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsOgale AS, Aloimonos Y
Conference Name2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2004. 3DPVT 2004. Proceedings
Date Published2004/09/06/9
ISBN Number0-7695-2223-8
KeywordsAutomation, CAMERAS, Computational modeling, first order approximation, Geometrical optics, hidden feature removal, image sampling, Image segmentation, Layout, occlusion detection, piecewise continuous function, Pixel, SHAPE, Simulated annealing, stereo image processing, surface fitting

We examine the implications of shape on the process of finding dense correspondence and half-occlusions for a stereo pair of images. The desired property of the depth map is that it should be a piecewise continuous function which is consistent with the images and which has the minimum number of discontinuities. To zeroeth order, piecewise continuity becomes piecewise constancy. Using this approximation, we first discuss an approach for dealing with such a fronto-parallel shapeless world, and the problems involved therein. We then introduce horizontal and vertical slant to create a first order approximation to piecewise continuity. We highlight the fact that a horizontally slanted surface (ie. having depth variation in the direction of the separation of the two cameras) appears horizontally stretched in one image as compared to the other image. Thus, while corresponding two images, N pixels on a scanline in one image may correspond to a different number of pixels M in the other image, which has consequences with regard to sampling and occlusion detection. We also discuss the asymmetry between vertical and horizontal slant, and the central role of nonhorizontal edges in the context of vertical slant. Using experiments, we discuss cases where existing algorithms fail, and how the incorporation of new constraints provides correct results.
