An information theoretic criterion for evaluating the quality of 3-D reconstructions from video

TitleAn information theoretic criterion for evaluating the quality of 3-D reconstructions from video
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsRoy-Chowdhury AK, Chellappa R
JournalImage Processing, IEEE Transactions on
Pagination960 - 973
Date Published2004/07//
ISBN Number1057-7149
Keywords3D reconstruction, algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Automated;Reproducibility of Results;Sensitivity and Specificity;Signal Processing, Computer Graphics, Computer-Assisted;Imaging, Computer-Assisted;Software Validation;Subtraction Technique;Video Recording;, Image Enhancement, Image Interpretation, Image reconstruction, Image sequences, information theoretic criterion, Mutual information, NOISE, noise distribution, optical flow equations, second order moments, statistical analysis, Three-Dimensional;Information Storage and Retrieval;Information Theory;Movement;Pattern Recognition, Video sequences, video signal processing

Even though numerous algorithms exist for estimating the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of a scene from its video, the solutions obtained are often of unacceptable quality. To overcome some of the deficiencies, many application systems rely on processing more data than necessary, thus raising the question: how is the accuracy of the solution related to the amount of data processed by the algorithm? Can we automatically recognize situations where the quality of the data is so bad that even a large number of additional observations will not yield the desired solution? Previous efforts to answer this question have used statistical measures like second order moments. They are useful if the estimate of the structure is unbiased and the higher order statistical effects are negligible, which is often not the case. This paper introduces an alternative information-theoretic criterion for evaluating the quality of a 3-D reconstruction. The accuracy of the reconstruction is judged by considering the change in mutual information (MI) (termed as the incremental MI) between a scene and its reconstructions. An example of 3-D reconstruction from a video sequence using optical flow equations and known noise distribution is considered and it is shown how the MI can be computed from first principles. We present simulations on both synthetic and real data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed criterion.
