Methods for efficient implementation of Model Predictive Control on multiprocessor systems

TitleMethods for efficient implementation of Model Predictive Control on multiprocessor systems
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsGu R, Bhattacharyya SS, Levine WS
Conference Name2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA)
Date Published2010
KeywordsComputational modeling, COMPUTERS, Equations, Hardware, Linear systems, Mathematical model, model predictive control, MPC algorithms, Multiprocessing systems, Multiprocessor systems, parallel computers, predictive control, Program processors

Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been used in a wide range of application areas including chemical engineering, food processing, automotive engineering, aerospace, and metallurgy. An important limitation on the application of MPC is the difficulty in completing the necessary computations within the sampling interval. Recent trends in computing hardware towards greatly increased parallelism offer a solution to this problem. This paper describes modeling and analysis tools to facilitate implementing the MPC algorithms on parallel computers, thereby greatly reducing the time needed to complete the calculations. The use of these tools is illustrated by an application to a class of MPC problems.