Network service selection for distributed multimedia applications

TitleNetwork service selection for distributed multimedia applications
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsSimon R, Sood A, Mundur P
Conference NameThird International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 1999. ICCIMA '99. Proceedings
Date Published1999///
ISBN Number0-7695-0300-4
KeywordsAdmission control, Application software, application-adequate end-to-end service, Bandwidth, Communication system traffic control, Computer science, Delay, distributed processing, end-to-end delivery delay control, flexibility, high-bandwidth distributed multimedia applications, interactive multimedia, multimedia systems, network service selection, network throughput, nonpreemptive earliest deadline first, queueing theory, Regulators, system support, telecommunication services, Throughput, Traffic control, weighted fair queueing

An important question in the development of system support for distributed multimedia is the type of network service offered to applications. This paper compares two network service disciplines: weighted fair queueing (WFQ) and non-preemptive earliest deadline first (NEDF). We show that, for a broad class of high-bandwidth distributed multimedia applications, WFQ outperforms NEDF in terms of network throughput while still providing an application-adequate end-to-end service. This result holds despite the fact that NEDF offers applications far greater flexibility in terms of control over end-to-end delivery delay
