Recording and reproducing high order surround auditory scenes for mixed and augmented reality

TitleRecording and reproducing high order surround auditory scenes for mixed and augmented reality
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsLi Z, Duraiswami R, Davis LS
Conference NameMixed and Augmented Reality, 2004. ISMAR 2004. Third IEEE and ACM International Symposium on
Date Published2004/11//
Keywordsarray;, audio, auditory, augmented, Computer, graphics;, high, loudspeaker, microphone, mixed, order, processing;, reality, reality;, scene;, signal, surround, system;, technology;, virtual, VISION, vision;

Virtual reality systems are largely based on computer graphics and vision technologies. However, sound also plays an important role in human's interaction with the surrounding environment, especially for the visually impaired people. In this paper, we develop the theory of recording and reproducing real-world surround auditory scenes in high orders using specially designed microphone and loudspeaker arrays. It is complementary to vision-based technologies in creating mixed and augmented realities. Design examples and simulations are presented.
