The role of independent verification and validation in maintaining a safety critical evolutionary software in a complex environment: the NASA Space Shuttle program

TitleThe role of independent verification and validation in maintaining a safety critical evolutionary software in a complex environment: the NASA Space Shuttle program
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsZelkowitz MV, Rus L
Conference NameSoftware Maintenance, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on
Date Published2001///
Keywordsactivities;NASA, Administration;complex, Aeronautics, amp;V, and, computing;program, critical, developments;aerospace, environment;development, evolutionary, IV, maintenance;software, maintenance;traditional, methods;high, program;National, prototyping;space, reliability;independent, safety;safety, Shuttle, software, software;software, space, validation;mission, vehicles;, verification, verification;safety-critical

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Shuttle program is a multi-billion dollar activity scheduled to span over 40 years. Maintaining such software with requirements for high reliability and mission safety taxes current development methods. The authors present how independent verification and validation (IV amp;V) activities are used to support these requirements. They also show how the IV amp;V activities for this program differ from those of more traditional software developments
