Spherical and hemispherical microphone arrays for capture and analysis of sound fields

TitleSpherical and hemispherical microphone arrays for capture and analysis of sound fields
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsDuraiswami R, Li Z, Zotkin DN, Grassi E
JournalThe Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Pagination3225 - 3225
Date Published2006///

The capture of the spatial structure of a sound field and analysis is important in many fields including creating virtual environments, source localization and detection, noise suppression, and beamforming. Spherical microphone arrays are a promising development to help achieve such capture and analysis, and have been studied by several groups. We develop a practical spherical microphone array and demonstrate its utility in applications for sound capture, room measurement and for beamforming and tracking. To accommodate equipment failure and manufacturing imprecision we extend their theory to handle arbitrary microphone placement. To handle speech capture and surveillance we describe the development of a new sensor, the hemispherical microphone array. For each array the practical performance follows that predicted by theory. Future applications and improvements are also discussed. [Work supported by NSF.]
