Threshold-based admission control for multi-class video-on-demand systems

TitleThreshold-based admission control for multi-class video-on-demand systems
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsMundur P, Sood A, Simon R
Conference NamePerformance, Computing and Communications, 1998. IPCCC '98., IEEE International
Date Published1998/02/16/18
ISBN Number0-7803-4468-5
KeywordsAdmission control, admission control tests, analytical model, Analytical models, blocking probabilities, buffer storage, Computer architecture, distributed digital VoD systems, File servers, guaranteed service, High-speed networks, interactive video, Motion pictures, multi-class video-on-demand systems, multimedia systems, Network servers, newly arriving requests, numerical analysis, Predictive models, probability, recursive algorithm, system blocking rates, telecommunication congestion control, threshold-based admission control, unified admission control

The next generation of distributed digital video-on-demand (VoD) systems will use admission control tests to ensure that users receive predictable and guaranteed service. If the system cannot support a new request then that request is blocked This paper presents an analytical model to evaluate unified admission control strategies for distributed VoD systems with multiple video classes. We prove that there exists a computationally efficient technique to determine the blocking probabilities for newly arriving requests. Through numerical analysis we show the effect of different admission control policies on overall system blocking rates
