Journal Articles
(Publications are listed alphabetically by title)
Electromagnetic Analysis of Plasmon-Resonance Based All-Optical Magnetic Recording. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 2009;45(3):1634-1637.
Electromagnetic Modeling of Ethernet Transformers. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 2010;46(2):563-569.
Electron beam and optical proximity effect reduction for nanolithography: New results. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2007;25(6):2288-2294.
Electronic medical records: usability challenges and opportunities. Interactions. 2011;18(6):48-49.
Embedded grammar tags: advancing natural language interaction on the Web. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 2002;17(1):48-53.
Embedded menus: selecting items in context. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. 2008.
Emergence and Evolution of Vibrio Cholerae O139. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNAS. 2003;100(3):1304-1309.
Emergence of self-replicating structures in cellular automata space. Physica D. 1997;110:252-276.
Emergent patterns of teaching/learning in electronic classrooms. Educational Technology Research and Development. 1998;46(4):23-42.
Empirical comparison of approximate inference algorithms for networked data. Open Problems in Statistical Relational Learning: Papers from the ICML Workshop. Pittsburgh, PA: www. cs. umd. edu/projects/srl2006. 2006.
Empirical findings in agile methods. Extreme Programming and Agile Methods—XP/Agile Universe 2002. 2002:81-92.
Empirical Studies in Information Visualization: Seven Scenarios. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 2011;PP(99):1.
Empirical studies of programmers: The territory, paths, and destinations. Empirical studies of programmers. 1986:1-12.
Empirical studies to build a science of computer science. Communications of the ACM. 2007;50(11):33-37.
Empirically guided software development using metric-based classification trees. IEEE Software. 1990;7(2):46-54.
Employing the Hand as an Interface Device. Journal of Multimedia. 2006;1(7).
Employing the hand as an interface device. Journal of Multimedia. 2006;1(7):18-29.
Employing user profiles to test a new version of a GUI component in its context of use. Software Quality Journal. 2006;14(4):359-377.
Enabling Commuters to Find the Best Route: An Interface for Analyzing Driving History Logs. Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact2001). 2001:799-800.
Enabling search over encrypted multimedia databases. SPIE/IS&T Media Forensics and Security. 2009:7254-18.
Enabling teachers to explore grade patterns to identify individual needs and promote fairer student assessment. Computers & Education. 2008;51(4):1467-1485.
Enabling virtual reality for large-scale mechanical CAD datasets. Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sept. 1997;14:17.
Encryption Algorithm Based on Circle Property. Jisuanji Gongcheng/ Computer Engineering. 2009;35(4):180-182.
End-to-end analysis of distributed video-on-demand systems. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2004;6(1):129-141.
Energy efficient monitoring in sensor networks. Algorithmica. 2011;59(1):94-114.
Energy-driven distribution of signal processing applications across wireless sensor networks. ACM Trans. Sen. Netw.. 2010;6(3):24:1-24:32.
Energy-efficient embedded software implementation on multiprocessor system-on-chip with multiple voltages. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). 2006;5(2):321-341.
Engagement and construction: Educational strategies for the post-TV era. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 1993;4(2):106-116.
Engagement Theory: A Framework for Technology-Based Teaching and Learning. Educational TechnologyEducational Technology. 1998;38(5):20-23.
Engaging Actively with Issues in the Responsible Conduct of Science: Lessons from International Efforts Are Relevant for Undergraduate Education in the United States. CBE—Life Sciences Education. 2013;(4):596-603.
Enhanced position weight matrices using mixture models. Bioinformatics. 2005;21(Suppl 1):i204-i212 - i204-i212.
Enhancing In-Car Navigation Systems with Personal Experience. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2008;2064(-1):33-42.
Enhancing reinforcement learning with metacognitive monitoring and control for improved perturbation tolerance. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 2006;18(3):387-411.
Enrichment of Regulatory Signals in Conserved Non-Coding Genomic Sequence. BioinformaticsBioinformatics. 2001;17(10):871-877.
Entity and relationship labeling in affiliation networks. ICML Workshop on Statistical Network Analysis. 2006.
Environmental and hydroclimatic factors influencing Vibrio populations in the estuarine zone of the Bengal delta. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2018;(10).
Environmental Factors Influencing Epidemic Cholera. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2013;89(3):597-607.
Environmental reservoirs of Vibrio cholerae and their role in cholera. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2010;2(1):27-33.
Environmental signatures associated with cholera epidemics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2008;105(46):17676.
Environmental Surveillance for Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in Surface Waters of Haiti. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2015;92(1):118-125.
Environmental Vibrio spp., isolated in Mozambique, contain a polymorphic group of integrative conjugative elements and class 1 integrons. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2008;64(1):45-54.
Envisioning help resources for the future information ecology: Toward an enriched sense of help. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2005;42(1):n/a-n/a - n/a-n/a.
Epigenomic and RNA structural correlates of polyadenylation. RNA Biology. 2011;8(3):529-537.
Equal Time for Data on the Internet with WebSemantics. Advances in Database Technology—EDBT'98. 1998:87.
Equivalence and preorder checking for finite-state systems. Handbook of Process Algebra. 2001:391-424.
Equivalence of two linear programming relaxations for broadcast scheduling. Operations Research Letters. 2004;32(5):473-478.
Error Analysis of the Quasi-Gram–Schmidt Algorithm. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 2005;27(2):493-506.
Error propagation in 3D-from-2D recognition: Scaled-orthographic and perspective projections. Proceedings: ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Monterey, California. 1994.
ESP'91 Panel on The Best of ESP. Empirical studies of programmers: fourth workshop. 1991:1.