Journal Articles
(Publications are listed alphabetically by title)
Learning algorithms for link prediction based on chance constraints. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. 2010:344-360.
Learning and visualizing user preferences over sets. American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 2007.
Learning competition and cooperation. Neural computation. 1993;5(2):242-259.
Learning disabled students' difficulties in learning to use a word processor: implications for design. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 1986;17(3):41-46.
Learning Disabled Students' Difficulties in Learning to Use A Word Processor: Implications for Instruction and Software Evaluation. Journal of Learning DisabilitiesJ Learn Disabil. 1986;19(4):248-253.
Learning early-vision computations. JOSA A. 1989;6(6):908-919.
Learning Facial Aging Models: A Face Recognition Perspective. Biometrics: theory, methods, and applications. 2009;9:271.
Learning from examples: generation and evaluation of decision trees for software resource analysis. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 1988;14(12):1743-1757.
Learning pairwise dissimilarity profiles for appearance recognition in visual surveillance. Advances in Visual Computing. 2008:23-34.
Learning preconditions for planning from plan traces and HTN structure. Computational Intelligence. 2005;21(4):388-413.
Learning probabilistic models of relational structure. MACHINE LEARNING-INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP. 2001:170-177.
Learning probabilistic relational models. Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation. 2000:322-323.
Learning probabilistic relational models. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1999;16:1300-1309.
Learning response time for websources using query feedback and application in query optimization. The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases. 2000;9(1):18-37.
Learning shape computations. Proc. DARPA Image. 1987.
Learning Structure From Statistical Models. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 2003;26(3):11-18.
Learning structured statistical models from relational data. Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science. 2002;7:13.
Learning through failure. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning-Towards a Synthesis. 2006;(05051).
Learning To Predict Bad Behavior. NIPS 2007 Workshop on Machine Learning in Adversarial Environments for Computer Security. 2008.
Learning to predict web collaborations. Workshop on User Modeling for Web Applications (UMWA-11). 2011.
Learning to trust in the competence and commitment of agents. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 2009;18(1):36-82.
Learning what and how of contextual models for scene labeling. Computer Vision–ECCV 2010. 2010:199-212.
Least squares preconditioners for stabilized discretizations of the Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2007;30(1):290-311.
Leveraging recurrent phrase structure in large-scale ontology translation. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. 2006.
Lexical allocation in interlingua-based machine translation of spatial expressions. Working Notes for IJCAI-95 Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Spatial Expressions, Montreal, Canada. 1995.
Lexical and Hierarchical Topic Regression.. 2013:1106-1114.
Life cycle of user interface techniques: The DJJ information system design Process. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department. 1998.
LifeLines: using visualization to enhance navigation and analysis of patient records. In Proceedings of the 1998 American Medical Informatic Association Annual Fall SymposiumProc AMIA Symp. 1998:76-80.
LifeLines: using visualization to enhance navigation and analysis of patient records. Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium. 1998:76-80.
Ligand-Receptor Pairing Via Tree Comparison. Journal of Computational Biology. 2000;7(1-2):59-70.
Lightweight Graphical Models for Selectivity Estimation Without Independence Assumptions. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 2011;4(7).
Limited scope and circumscriptive reasoning. International Journal of Expert Systems. 1990;3(3):207-217.
Limits of computational differential privacy in the client/server setting. Theory of Cryptography. 2011:417-431.
Limits on the power of zero-knowledge proofs in cryptographic constructions. Theory of Cryptography. 2011:559-578.
Linear Fitting with Missing Data for Structure-from-Motion. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2001;82(1):57-81.
Linear versus Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients for Speaker Recognition. IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop. 2011.
Link Mining for the Semantic Web, Position Statement. Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar in Machine Learning for the Semantic Web. 2005.
Link mining: a new data mining challenge. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 2003;5(1):84-89.
Link mining: a survey. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 2005;7(2):3-12.
Link-based active learning. NIPS Workshop on Analyzing Networks and Learning with Graphs. 2009.
Link-based classification. Advanced methods for knowledge discovery from complex data. 2005:189-207.
Linking Software Development and Business Strategy Through Measurement. Computer. 2010;43(4):57-65.
Listening to Maps: User Evaluation of Interactive Sonifications of Geo-Referenced Data. Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports. 2005.
Listening to Maps: User Evaluation of Interactive Sonifications of Geo-Referenced Data (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports. 2005.
Load balancing and routing on the hypercube and related networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 1992;14(4):431-435.
Local Balancing Influences Global Structure in Social Networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNAS. 2011;108(5):1751-1752.
Local conditions for phase transitions in neural networks with variable connection strengths. Neural networks. 1993;6(5):667-676.
Local model checking and protocol analysis. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT). 1999;2(3):219-241.
Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields. Neural Computation. 1997;9(4):859-881.