Ben Shneiderman

Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
2162 Iribe Center
(301) 405-2080
(301) 405-6707
Ph.D., SUNY at Stony Brook (Computer Science)
Special Awards/Honors: 
AAAS Fellow, ACM Fellow National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering Member, CMPS Board of Visitors Distinguished Faculty Award, Miles Conrad Award, 2010 SIGCHI Social Impact Award

Ben Shneiderman is a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of computer science in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.

He is a leading figure in human-computer interaction and information visualization. Shneiderman’s pioneering work includes developing direct manipulation interfaces, touchscreen keyboards, and treemaps, which have significantly impacted web design, mobile devices, and data visualization.

Go here to view Shneiderman's academic publications on Google Scholar.



Greene S, Tanin E, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B, Olsen L, Major G, Johns S.  1999.  The end of zero-hit queries: query previews for NASA’s Global Change Master Directory. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 2(2):79-90.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  1D, 2D, 3D. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Dynamic queries. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Fredrikson A, North C, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Temporal, geographical and categorical aggregations viewed through coordinated displays: a case study with highway incident data. Proceedings of the 1999 workshop on new paradigms in information visualization and manipulation in conjunction with the eighth ACM internation conference on Information and knowledge management.

Johnson B, Shneiderman B, Baker MJ, Eick SG.  1999.  TennisViewer: A Browser for Competition Trees. Readings in information visualization: using vision to think.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Text in 1D. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Using vision to think. Readings in information visualization: using vision to think.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Text in 2D. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Sánchez AJ, Etzioni O, Kautz H, Lieberman H, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Agents vs. direct manipulation: what's best to disentangle the Web? Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking. 31(11-16):1765-1767.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Overview+ detail. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Text in 3D. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Sánchez JA, Etzioni O, Kautz H, Lieberman H, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Agents vs. direct manipulation: what's best to disentangle the Web? Proceedings of the eighth international conference on World Wide Web.

Tse T, Vegh S, Shneiderman B, Marchionini G.  1999.  An Exploratory Study of Video Browsing, User Interface Designs and Research Methodologies: Effectiveness in Information Seeking Tasks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING-AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE. 36:681-692.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Fisheye views. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Information workspaces. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Multiple dimensions> 3. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Text in 3D+ time. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Scholtz JC, Muller M, Novick D, Olsen, Jr. DR, Shneiderman B, Wharton C.  1999.  An international SIGCHI research agenda. CHI '99 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Infosphere, workspace, tools, objects. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Focus+ context. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Alternate geometry. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Visually enhanced objects. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Bifocal lens. Readings in information visualization.

Shneiderman B.  1999.  User interfaces for creativity support tools. Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Physical data. Readings in information visualization.

Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Applications and implications. Readings in information visualization.


Shneiderman B.  1998.  Reflections on authoring, editing and managing hypertex. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.

Slaughter L, Norman KL, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Assessing users' subjective satisfaction with the Information System for Youth Services (ISYS). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.

Kandogan E, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Using elastic windows for World-Wide Web Browsing. CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems.

Zhang Z, Basili VR, Shneiderman B.  1998.  An Empirical Study of Perspective-Based Usability Inspection. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual MeetingProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 42(19):1346-1350.

Shneiderman B, Borkowski E, Alavi M, Norman K.  1998.  Emergent patterns of teaching/learning in electronic classrooms. Educational Technology Research and Development. 46(4):23-42.

Shneiderman B.  1998.  Codex, Memex, Genex: The Pursuit of Transformational Technologies. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 10(2):87-106.

Shneiderman B.  1998.  Visual User Interfaces for Information Exploration. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.

Plaisant C, Mushlin R, Snyder A, Li J, Heller D, Shneiderman B.  1998.  LifeLines: using visualization to enhance navigation and analysis of patient records.. Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium.

Vanniamparampil AJ, Shneiderman B, Plaisant C, Rose A.  1998.  User Interface Reengineering: A Diagnostic Approach. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.

Kearsley G, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Engagement Theory: A Framework for Technology-Based Teaching and Learning.. Educational TechnologyEducational Technology. 38(5):20-23.

Tanin E, Lotem A, Haddadin I, Shneiderman B, Plaisant C, Slaughter L.  1998.  Facilitating Network Data Exploration with Query Previews: A Study of User Performance and Preference. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.

Shneiderman B, Nielsen J, Butler S, Levi M, Conrad F.  1998.  Is the Web really different from everything else? CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems.

Shneiderman B, Plaisant C.  1998.  Information visualization advanced interface and Web design. CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems.

Ellis J, Tran C, Ryoo J, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Buttons vs. menus: An exploratory study of pull-down menu selection as compared to button bars. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.

Plaisant C, Heller D, Li J, Shneiderman B, Mushlin R, Karat J.  1998.  Visualizing medical records with LifeLines. CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems.

Plaisant C, Mushlin R, Snyder A, Li J, Heller D, Shneiderman B.  1998.  LifeLines: using visualization to enhance navigation and analysis of patient records. In Proceedings of the 1998 American Medical Informatic Association Annual Fall SymposiumProc AMIA Symp.

Li J, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Data object and label placement for information abundant visualizations. Proceedings of the 1998 workshop on New paradigms in information visualization and manipulation.

Shneiderman B, Plaisant C, Botafogo R, Hopkins D, Weiland W.  1998.  Designing to facilitate browsing: A look back at the Hyperties workstation browser. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department, University of Maryland.

Jog N, Shneiderman B.  1998.  Interactive Smooth Zoomming in a Starfield Information Visualization. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.

Laurillard D, Preece J, Shneiderman B, Neal L, Wærn Y.  1998.  Distance learning: is it the end of education as most of us know it? CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems.

Shneiderman B, Byrd D, Croft BW.  1998.  Sorting out searching: a user-interface framework for text searches. Communications of the ACM. 41(4):95-98.

Shneiderman B.  1998.  Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume. 11:92-99.


Slaughters L, Shneiderman B, Marchionini G.  1997.  Comprehension and object recognition capabilities for presentations of simultaneous video key frame surrogates. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital LibrariesResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 1324:41-54.
