Automated Manufacturability Analysis: A Survey

TitleAutomated Manufacturability Analysis: A Survey
Publication TypeReports
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsDas D, Gupta SK, Regli WC, Nau DS
Date Published1995///
InstitutionInstitute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park
Keywordsmanufacturability, Manufacturing, Solid modeling, Systems Integration Methodology

In the marketplace of the 21st century, there is no place for traditional ``over-the-wall'' communications between design and manufacturing. In order to ``design it right the very first time,'' designers must ensure that their products are both functional and easy to manufacture. Software tools have had some successes in reducing the barriers between design and manufacturing. Manufacturability analysis systems are emerging as one such tool---enabling identification of potential manufacturing problems during the design phase and providing suggestions to designers on how to eliminate them.In this paper, we provide a survey of current state of the art in automated manufacturability analysis. We present the historical context in which this area has emerged and outline characteristics to compare and classify various systems. We describe the two dominant approaches to automated manufacturability analysis and overview representative systems based on their application domain. We describe support tools that enhance the effectiveness of manufacturability analysis systems. Finally, we attempt to expose some of the existing research challenges and future directions.