Journal Articles
(Publications are listed alphabetically by title)
Connectionist models and information retrieval. Annual review of information science and technology. 1990;25:209-262.
Consciousness and complexity: the cognitive quest. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 1995;14(2):309-321.
Consciousness as self-function. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4. 1997;5(6):509-525.
Constancy and similarity. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 1997;65(3):447-449.
Constant-Round Private Function Evaluation with Linear Complexity. Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2011. 2011:556-571.
Constrained Matrix Sylvester Equations. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 1992;13(1):1-9.
Constraint Integration for Efficient Multiview Pose Estimation with Self-Occlusions. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 2008;30(3):493-506.
Constraint-based array dependence analysis. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and SystemsACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.. 1998;20(3):635-678.
Constraints on the Space of MT Divergences. AAAI (1993). 1993;43:53.
Constructing task visibility intervals for video surveillance. Multimedia systems. 2006;12(3):211-226.
Construction of a Chinese–English Verb Lexicon for Machine Translation and Embedded Multilingual Applications. Machine Translation. 2002;17(2):99-137.
Content Index to Volume 18. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN–COMPUTER INTERACTION. 2005;18(3):367-368.
Content-based assembly search: A step towards assembly reuse. Computer-Aided Design. 2008;40(2):244-261.
Contention resolution with constant expected delay. J. ACM. 2000;47(6):1048-1096.
Contention-conscious transaction ordering in multiprocessor DSP systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2006;54(2):556-569.
Context-sensitive correlation analysis for detecting races. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI). 2006:320-331.
Continuously-adaptive haptic rendering. Virtual Environments. 2000;2000:135.
Contribution to a Taxonomy of Non-Manifold Models Based on Topological Properties. ASME Conference Proceedings. 2008;2008(43277):187-197.
Control flow and data structure documentation: two experiments. Commun. ACM. 1982;25(1):55-63.
Controlled topology simplification. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 1996;2(2):171-184.
Convergence analysis of iterative solvers in inexact Rayleigh quotient iteration. CONVERGENCE. 2008;31(3):877-899.
Conversion of viable but nonculturable enteric bacteria to culturable by co‐culture with eukaryotic cells. Microbiology and Immunology. 2012;56(5):342-345.
Conversion of viable but nonculturable Vibrio cholerae to the culturable state by co‐culture with eukaryotic cells. Microbiology and Immunology. 2010;54(9):502-507.
CONVEX: Context vectors as a paradigm for learning group behaviors based on similarity. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2007;23(4):51-57.
CONVEX: Similarity-Based Algorithms for Forecasting Group Behavior. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 2008;23(4):51-57.
Cooperative peer groups in NICE. Computer Networks. 2006;50(4):523-544.
Coordinated motion planning: the warehouseman's problem with constraints on free space. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on. 1992;22(1):130-141.
Coordinating a Distributed Planning System. AI Magazine. 1999;20(4):45.
Coordinating overviews and detail views of WWW log data. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation (NPIVM 2000), ACM Press. 2000.
Coordinating Overviews and Detail Views of WWW Log Data (2000). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports. 2005.
copia-like retrotransposons are ubiquitous among plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1992;89(15):7124-7128.
Copia-like retrotransposons in plants: a brief introduction. The Plant Genetics Newsletter. 1992;8(4):38-41.
Correlated Changes Between Regulatory Cis Elements and Condition-Specific Expression in Paralogous Gene Families. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.. 2010;38(3):738-749.
Correspondence from Correspondence. Optical Society of America, Topical Meeting on Machine Vision. 1980:46-51.
Cortical map reorganization as a competitive process. Neural Computation. 1994;6(1):1-13.
Cortical Spreading depression and the pathogenesis of brain disorders: a computational and neural network-based investigation. Neurological research. 2001;23(5):447-456.
Cost minimization during simulated evolution of paired neural networks leads to asymmetries and specialization. Cognitive Systems Research. 2003;4(4):365-383.
Cost-Sharing Mechanisms for Network Design. Algorithmica. 2008;50(1):98-119.
COTS-based software development: Processes and open issues. Journal of Systems and Software. 2002;61(3):189-199.
COTS-based systems top 10 list. Computer. 2001;34(5):91-95.
Counting solutions to Presburger formulas: how and why. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 1994;29(6):121-134.
Coupling production systems and database systems: A homogeneous approach. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 1993;5(2):240-256.
Covariability of Vibrio Cholerae Microdiversity and Environmental Parameters. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 2008;74(9):2915-2920.
Coverage estimation methods for stratified fault-injection. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 1999;48(7):707-723.
Covering arrays for efficient fault characterization in complex configuration spaces. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2006:20-34.
Co‐designing contextual tutorials for older adults on searching health information on the internet. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2011;48(1):1-4.
Creating a nationwide wireless detection sensor network for chemical, biological and radiological threats. Gentag White Paper. 2007.
Creating a parallel corpus from the book of 2000 tongues. Computers and the Humanities. 1999;33:1-2.