Journal Articles


Li J, Saha B, Deshpande A. A unified approach to ranking in probabilistic databases. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 2009;2(1):502-513.
Kumar AV, Marathe MV, Parthasarathy S, Srinivasan A. A unified approach to scheduling on unrelated parallel machines. J. ACM. 2009;56(5):28:1-28:31-28:1-28:31.
Guven T, La RJ, Shayman MA, Bhattacharjee B. A Unified Framework for Multipath Routing for Unicast and Multicast Traffic. Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on. 2008;16(5):1038-1051.
Alivisatos A., Blaser M., Brodie E., Chun M., Dangl J., Donohue T., et al. A unified initiative to harness Earth's microbiomes. Science. 2015;(62607551614341176):507-508.
Mount D, Chandran S. A united approach to finding enclosing and enclosed triangles. Proceedings of 26th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing. 1988.
Zandifar A, Duraiswami R, Davis LS. A video-based framework for the analysis of presentations/posters. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. 2005;7(2):178-187.
Fermüller C, Xu Y, Ji H. A View-Point Invariant Texture Descriptor. Journal of VisionJ Vis. 2008;8(6):354.
Revelle G, Druin A, Platner M, Bederson BB, Hourcade JP, Sherman L. A visual search tool for early elementary science students. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 2002;11(1):49-57.
Jutla A, Akanda AS, Huq A, Faruque AS, Colwell RR, Islam S. A water marker monitored by satellites to predict seasonal endemic cholera. Remote Sensing Letters. 2013;4472741982394456(8):822-831.
Chung J, Nagy JG, O'Leary DP. A Weighted GCV Method for Lanczos Hybrid Regularization. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. 2008;28:149-167.
Bederson BB, Hollan JD, Stewart J, Rogers D, Druin A, Vick D, et al. A zooming web browser. Human Factors in Web Development. 1997.
Woods W, Uckun S, Kohane I, Bates J, Hulthage I, Gasser L, et al. AAAI 1994 Spring Symposium Series Reports. AI Magazine. 1994;15(3):22.
Blake B, Haigh K, Hexmoor H, Falcone R, Soh L-, Baral C, et al. AAAI 2002 Workshops. AI Magazine. 2002;23(4):113.
Wobbrock JO, Kane SK, Gajos KZ, Harada S, Froehlich J. Ability-based design: Concept, principles and examples. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). 2011;3(3).
Simon R, Mundur P, Sood A. Access Policies for Distributed Video-on-Demand Systems. Journal of the WAS, Special Issue on Communications, 85 (2). 1998.
Jong F, Oard D, Heeren W, Ordelman R. Access to recorded interviews. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. 2008;1:1-27.
Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Feamster N, Koponen T, Moon D, Shenker S. Accountable internet protocol (aip). SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev.. 2008;38(4):339-350.
Arya S, Mount D, Narayan O. Accounting for boundary effects in nearest-neighbor searching. Discrete & Computational Geometry. 1996;16(2):155-176.
Hourcade JP, Bederson BB, Druin A, Guimbretiere F. Accuracy, Target Reentry and Fitts’ Law Performance of Preschool Children Using Mice. University of Maryland Technical Report, HCIL-2003. 2003;16.
Liu B, Gibbons T, Ghodsi M, Treangen T, Pop M. Accurate and fast estimation of taxonomic profiles from metagenomic shotgun sequences. BMC Genomics. 2011;12(Suppl 2):S4.
Khan Z, Amini S, Bloom JS, Ruse C, Caudy AA, Kruglyak L, et al. Accurate proteome-wide protein quantification from high-resolution 15N mass spectra. Genome Biology. 2011;12(12).
Aggarwal G, Panigrahy R, Feder T, Thomas D, Kenthapadi K, Khuller S, et al. Achieving anonymity via clustering. ACM Trans. Algorithms. 2010;6(3):49:1-49:19-49:1-49:19.
Karagol-Ayan B, Doermann D, Dorr BJ. Acquisition of bilingual MT lexicons from OCRed dictionaries. Proceedings of the 9th MT Summit. 2003:208-215.
Dorr BJ, Jones D. ACQUISITION OF SEMANTIC LEXICONS. Breadth and depth of semantic lexicons. 1999;10:79.
Abd-Almageed W, Smith CE. Active deformable models using density estimation. International Journal of Image and Graphics. 2004;4(3):343-362.
Anderson ML, Gomaa W, Grant J, Perlis D. Active logic semantics for a single agent in a static world. Artificial Intelligence. 2008;172(8-9):1045-1063.
Duraiswami R, Zotkin DN, Borovikov EA, Davis LS. Active source location and beamforming. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2000;107:2790.
Aloimonos Y, Weiss I, Bandyopadhyay A. Active vision. International Journal of Computer Vision. 1988;1(4):333-356.
Chellappa R, Vaswani N, Chowdhury AK. Activity modeling and recognition using shape theory. Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation. 2003.
Cuntoor NP, Yegnanarayana B, Chellappa R. Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 2008;17(4):594-607.
